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DO NOT READ if you would like discover the surprise for yourself. But if you are sure, if someone has already told you about this bonus study guide, or if you have already finished the book, we can’t wait to have you join the conversation!
If you finished the book, Congratulations! You discovered the surprise! The story of Josh and Abby actually represents the relationship of Christ with his bride, the Church–specifically the American Church, in this case. Now the fun really begins in re-thinking the story from a completely new perspective.
If someone told you (or you are discovering now for the first time), we hope this whets your appetite to read the book even more, knowing the multiple levels contained in this powerful story.
Either way, download this pdf, grab some friends or sign up for one of our book groups, and have fun discussing the BONUS STUDY GUIDE QUESTIONS! Or leave your comments below or on our social media pages. We want to hear what the book revealed for you.