Meet The Characters

Three Voices: One Story

Micah Leydorf

Author of The Unseen Battle

A lover of words and books, Micah Leydorf has been a writer her entire life.

First, writing as a student. Classically-educated, Micah studied at Oxford University, received a double major in American Studies and European Studies from Hillsdale College in Hillsdale, MI and finished her formal education with a master’s degree in journalism from the University of Oklahoma.

Then, writing for work. She spent most of her professional career as a press secretary on Capitol Hill. She worked for Congressman Ernest Istook from Oklahoma—rising from an intern in the spring of 1994 to serving as his deputy chief of staff in Washington, DC before she departed in 2006. During her time on Capitol Hill, she met and married her husband (read more about that here).

Now, she writes out of obedience. After leaving politics to raise her two sons, Micah became something of an entrepreneur—managing rental houses, representing a designer clothing line, serving on boards, working as church staff, writing, editing, publishing, and podcasting (listen here!) as well as all the other things mothers do. But in the midst of all that, she felt one clear call—to write this book and send it out into the world.

She eagerly awaits to see what God might do. And this website is where you can watch it, too!

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